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Innoboot 2022: Implementing AI to improve Life!

During this event we will discuss how AI is changing the most important economic clusters of the Arnhem-Nijmegen region: Health, High Tech and Energy.

BioFIT 2022

[Discount code BF22HVALLEY0202] BioFIT is the leading partnering event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovation deals in the field of Life Sciences.

MedFIT 2022

[Discount code MF22HVALLEY0202] MedFIT is your opportunity to connect with international key innovators in the MedTech, diagnostic and digital health sectors. As a leading European partnering event,

Business model stress test

To innovate is not that hard, isn’t it? But how do you kill innovations? What can you do to prevent you from becoming successful?

Start-up Bootcamp Health

In de periode van september tot en met december 2022 vindt de Bootcamp plaats op vrijdagen (2 september, 30 september, 28 oktober, 18 november en 16 december) van 10.00 - 14.00 uur (inclusief lunch, met inloop vanaf 9.30 uur) in Zwolle en/of Nijmegen. 

Heel de zorg

Een dag vol duurzaamheid! Pioniers vertellen in greentalks hoe we de reis van doelen naar doen kunnen maken.

Introduction to Intellectual Property

One of the most important things a start-up has is a creative, fresh and innovative idea. Therefore it is of the upmost importance to protect your idea!

Product Development/Design with customer validation

Founder of GBO Innovation Makers talks about the journey through the product development process in the field of Health & High Tech.

Eenheid in de Zorg

Een bruisend festival vol kennis, inspiratie en praktijkvoorbeelden over hoe het ook kan. Voor iedereen die werkzaam is in of betrokken bij zorg & sociaal domein!