Jouw zoekresultaten
500 resultaten gevonden voor “”Zorg in eigen leefomgeving (KIC)
Geïnteresseerde onderzoekers, kennisinstellingen, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties zijn welkom om kennis te maken met elkaar en de samenwerking op te zoeken.
Wilt je als patiënt of burger, bedrijf, kennisinstelling of overheid innovatie stimuleren door samen te werken?
Come and connect, get inspired, expand your network and gather actionable insights.
Exposure x Digitale EMDR
voor behandelaren in de mentale gezondheidszorg
NutrEvent 2022
[Discount code NE22HVALLEY0202] Dedicated to innovation in Food, Feed, Nutrition and Health. It aims at identifying industrial, scientific, commercial and financial partners for your innovation projects and innovations.
How2Finance: Uitleg over Top10 financieringsinstrumenten
Hoe vind ik de juiste financiering voor mijn onderneming?
The importance of data management for start-ups
Do you want to know more about the future of computing capabilities in general, including a use-case of how a data management solution supports the build of thrust and helps secure substantial IP- security and funding assets?
Platform technologies in pharma
Learn more about the innovative technology platforms from three presenters and how you can benefit from these.
Innovative technology for improved eating behavior
Behavior scientists and data scientists from OnePlanet Research Center, nutritionists and SMEs are working together in the “INtoEAT” project to achieve that elderly people receive tailor-made care and nutritional advice with the help of innovative technology.