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Wegiz: Recht voor de zorg

Als experts op het gebied van gezondheidsrecht en privacywetgeving zal dit webinar ingaan op de belangrijkste juridische aspecten en uitdagingen die gepaard gaan met de invoering van de Wegiz.

MedTech Twente Week 2023

Together we empower our future healthcare with medical technology

CS4H Conference (MedTech Twente Week 2023)

Citizen Science and the involvement of patients in health research have a huge potential to contribute to innovative health research as well as to society.

TechMed Event (MedTech Twente Week 2023)

The TechMed Event in Twente focuses on technological advancements for a healthier and sustainable future.

MedTech Business Event (MedTech Twente Week 2023)

Together we empower our future healthcare with medical technology | Insights, Inspiration, Networking, Accelerate, Grow

World of Health Care Event

Join the leading platform for the Dutch life sciences & health sector to connect, share knowledge, and present healthcare solutions.

Life Sciences & Health Trade Mission Canada

Join this trade mission and explore Canada’s thriving healthcare and technology industries, government initiatives and business-friendly climate.

Innoboot 2023

Entrepreneurs are needed to translate science into a functioning businessmodel and implement innovations in practice and on scale. Impact ~ Science * Entrepreneurship.

Clinical investigations for medical devices in bite size pieces

Starting early with planning of the clinical investigation is key and allows an approach where you plan using bite size pieces.