Work smarter, not harder

Type event: SMB-meeting
Datum: 26 januari 2023
Tijd: 16.00 - 17.00 hrs
Organisatie: Health Valley Netherlands, HAN University of Applied Sciences, SMB Life Sciences
Noviotech Campus (Meet&Greet, building M)
Transistorweg 5n
6534 AT NIjmegen
Event header

The challenges on the healthcare labor market are huge, which is also noticeable in the Nijmegen area. We need creative solutions if we want to keep healthcare sustainable in terms of cost and people.
The HAN University of Applied Sciences is convinced that regional collaboration with digital health businesses results in more creative solutions. Consequently, the impact on healthcare will be more significant.
During this session, Professor Maurice Magnée will share his vision on the future of healthcare and healthcare education. He presents several of his research projects involving VR&XR, and explains how he collaborates with local businesses and healthcare organizations.
Subsequently, one of his students Yrsa Niels, will share her experiences with ‘new style’ education involving digital technologies and how this could affect her career.
At last, two regional entrepreneurs, Eric Jutten from Simulation Crew and Robbert Brouwer from SyncVR Medical present their state-of-the-art technologies for remote care and learning. They will reflect on their collaboration with the HAN and elaborate on opportunities they see for the Nijmegen ecosystem.

  • Maurice Magnée, Professor of healthcare innovation, HAN University of Applied Sciences
  • Yrsa Niels, Former student, HAN University of Applied Sciences
  • Eric Jutten, CEO, The Simulation Crew
  • Robbert Brouwer, Healthcare Entrepreneur, SyncVR Medical

Live event
This event will be organized in a live setting at Noviotech Campus in the Meet&Greet area from building M (Transistorweg 5, Nijmegen). A few days before the event we will send an email with practical information (sender = You might have to check your spam box.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

Parking & Directions
You can park for free at the Jan Massinkhal (opposite Noviotech Campus). Click here for directions and parking.

We look forward to meeting you!